Celebrity Culture

Celebrity Culture

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Famous For What?

Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton have become famous for several reasons. Their fashion choices, both admired and fodder for worst-dressed lists, for one. Their crazy, public antics and crotch shots. Their tumultuous relationships and Nicole's pregnancy.But among all that, one important question remains. How is it that these two women - the poster-girls for talentless celebs - have been able to sustain fame? Why, exactly, are they famous? Why do their faces sell millions of magazines? Why does their branding guarantee success of a TV show, fragrance or fashion trend? These questions popped up into my head while viewing an entire blog segment dedicated to them and their lives. Even though their celebrity status does bother me and baffle me, I have to admit I will from time to time pick up a magazine or tune into a segment that features either one just because there's something about them that makes them so intriguing.

Below is the blog

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